Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 15-Bank job

Summary: Blye Kensi agent he fired the local Bank and hold now each person shooters as hostage

Chapter 3-What is Kate

Summary: Kate finds itself at startup, while Jack was responsible for something someone life at risk.

Chapter 14-Hi

Summary: Alisha protects the accused man of killing his son babysitter. Meanwhile, the references of Peter probably going to be a good idea and Alisha for him back his life.

Chapter 11-home invasion

Summary: to prevent international conflict, Peter, Neil must find a thief who is stealing items from a collection of valuable.

Episode 12 – my Gazelle

Summary: after returning to the United States, the young man falls to his death from the top of the tower. In a forgotten researcher Parkour physical discipline to determine which of the two people who claim that the relatives of the dead man says the truth.

Chapter 4 – replacement

Summary: Locke goes in search of more help its cause.

Episode 13 – Jane mum

Summary: a woman of 40 is murdered soon paid to adopt the child. Now missing money and does not know where is the child.

Chapter 11-Hollywood round Part 3

Hollywood part 3

Does the female Semifinalists top 12-chapter 14

Summary: to the top male 12 semifinalists.

Episode 13 – Princess

Summary: save Kahlan from performing, excited about my dear must be the Princess in masquerade who are nuanced, compete to win the affections of elaborate powerful rulers.